Consultation Meeting on MICT Ministerial Agreement on National DMN Structure Improvement

On 28 Oct 2021, Second GMS Tourism Infrastructure for Inclusive Growth Project (TIIGP 2), Ministry of Information, Culture and Tourism (MICT) organized a Semi – Virtual Consultation Meeting on MICT Ministerial Agreement on National Destination Management Network (DMN) Structure Improvement.

It aimed to discuss about the MICT Ministerial Agreement, review the implementation progress of the Public and Private Sector Action Plan 2021 and plan for Nov – Dec 2021. There were 43 participants, including public and private sectors, projects and international organizations in tourism sector. The meeting was chaired by Mr Sounh Manivong, TIIGP 2 Project Director.

Summary of the Discussion

National DMN Structure

  1. The National DMN does not overlap with the Laos Tourism Promotion Board, DMN is the public and private consultation platform which covers different aspects in tourism sector, including product development, marketing and promotion, management and skills development. The Tourism Promotion Board focuses on the marketing and promotion.
  2. Most of the participants agreed with the structure, role and responsibility.
  3. DMN is a platform for projects and international organizations to provide technical and financial supports
  4. Tourism should be promoted in Vientiane Capital as well apart from other provinces
  5. Improve member listing order and adjust the agreement tittle
  6. Add role and responsibility of the DMN in coordinating with relevant and other sectors in order to solve particular issues related to tourism

Public and Private Sector Action Plan

Progress of the 10 activities were reported by the responsible organizations

Additional Activity

  1. Develop Country Reopening Plan
    • MICT submitted a report to the Prime Minister Office (PMO) on 21 Oct 2021 to report and seek recommendation on welcoming vaccinated travelers and develop the country reopening plan
    • Lao National Chamber of Commerce and Industry (LNCCI) also developed the Country Reopening Plan which was quite detailed and reported to the PMO.
    • LNCCI and MICT should work together on the plan
    • Skills labors and tour itinerary should be prepared for the reopening
  2. Develop health and hygiene standard in tourism sector  (Laosafe Programme), supported by Project LAO/029 in collaboration with MICT and LNCCI. The standards have been approved by the Ministry of Public Health, launching event is coming soon.
  3. Propose additional activity: organize consultation meetings with relevant sectors to solve issues, such as noise pollution in Vang Vieng
  4. Promote community based tourism in Vang Vieng, by Tourism Development Department, supported by UNDP  
  5. Improve facilities in tourist attractions in Vang Vieng, by Tourism Development Department, supported by UNDP
  6. Propose additional activity: Develop online campaign for responsible tourism
  7. Conduct Nationwide Tourism Enterprise Survey, supported by Project LAO/029, in collaboration with Tourism Management Department, MICT, the survey results will be launched in Nov 2021
  8. Promote community based tourism in national projected areas, 9 provinces, by LLL Project (Lao PDR Livelihoods and Landscapes), Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry, supported by World Bank
  9. Establish SMEs Fund, supported by LBE, USAID, the fund will be launched soon.

Next step

  1. MICT will improve the draft agreement in order to request for approval by Nov 2021
  2. MICT will include the progress and additional activities into the Public and Private Sector Action Plan 2021 and will share with you all later
  3. MICT will organize the National DMN Meeting in Nov – Dec 2021 which will be chaired by MICT and LNCCI, the purpose is to develop the Public and Private Sector Action Plan 2022

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