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  5. Destination Laos Tourism Marketing Plan 2022-2023 for Covid-19 Recovery_English

Destination Laos Tourism Marketing Plan 2022-2023 for Covid-19 Recovery_English

The year 2020 delivered a major shock to the tourism industry, both in Laos and globally. As borders closed, due to the Covid-19 pandemic, no one quite understood the challenges that lie in reopening them. Laos was no exception and in late March 2020, borders closed and all tourism halted. While domestic tourism has encountered a vigorous renaissance, domestic tourists are not able to match the volume and spend of international tourists.

In December 2021, the Prime Minister’s Office announced a Travel Green Zone scheme to gently push the door open and re-welcome tourists to Laos. The plan only allows for group travel in the country so that tourists may be monitored and reduce the risk of the spread of Covid-19, both to local people and to other visitors. Independent travelers, formerly a mainstay of Lao tourism, have been effectively shut out and await further reopening measures to allow them access to the country.

Initiated by the Ministry of Information, Culture and Tourism (MICT) in collaboration with National Destination Management Network (DMN), and supported by the Second Greater Mekong Subregion Tourism Infrastructure for Inclusive Growth Project, this Destination Laos Tourism Marketing Plan 2022-2023 for Covid-19 Recovery builds on prior research on Laos’ domestic and international tourism markets conducted in mid-late 2021. It is expected that this plan will formulate tourism activities for the coming years which will be overseen by the DMN, which will rally the stakeholder and donor support needed for each activity.

The DMN is a platform for public and private sector stakeholder collaboration in the tourism sector. It coordinates the key activities of various stakeholders into a Public and Private Sector Action Plan, which enables all parties to understand what other stakeholders are doing in the tourism sector and allows synergies and collaborations to form.

The activities focus on both domestic and regional tourists. The domestic market is the only support for the entire tourism industry in Laos, at present, so continuing the Lao Thiao Lao domestic tourism campaign will be of great importance until international visitors can return in sufficient numbers. As the country reopens, Laos will need to consider how to position and brand itself as it works to attract regional and international travelers again. Importantly, a campaign will be required to tie all of the various marketing activities from digital marketing, print marketing, events, media & PR initiatives, as well as guide involvement in international travel trade fairs.

Updated on 12/05/2022

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