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  5. Luang Prabang Town and Environs Heritage Interpretation Plan_English_Final

Luang Prabang Town and Environs Heritage Interpretation Plan_English_Final

The purpose of the Heritage Interpretation Plan of Luang Prabang Town and Environs is to introduce an integrated holistic approach to the heritage interpretation of this UNESCO World Heritage (WH) Site and other nearby locations in Pak Ou and Chomphet Districts. The overall goal is to produce content that will create welcoming, interesting, and educational experiences. After their stay in Luang Prabang, visitors will have enhanced their understanding of the town, its surrounding areas, and their respective heritage sites. Another goal is to encourage visitors to spend more time in Luang Prabang and to return for subsequent trips since they will have a greater appreciation of Luang Prabang. A third goal of this heritage interpretation plan is to safeguard the historic and cultural heritage sites of Luang Prabang town and environs for future generations of Luang Prabang to enjoy and treasure by educating the community and visitors of their importance.

Learning is usually not the primary objective of travel. Often, visitors are seeking something authentic and enriching. Heritage interpretation is an avenue of informal education, but it is more than presenting facts such as dates of construction and names. Heritage interpretation provides stories that are informative and engaging simultaneously and accessible to a wide range of people. Heritage Interpretation thus enhances the visitor experience by using key stories and messages.

Heritage Interpretation Themes for Luang Prabang Town and Environs

Main Theme: Luang Prabang – the heart and soul of the arts and culture of Laos

Secondary Theme 1: Inspiration of Luang Prabang’s Artists/Artisans

Secondary Theme 2: Development of Luang Prabang in the 20th century

Recommendations regarding Onsite HI Panels and Wayfinding Signage

There is a hierarchy of heritage interpretation signage: primary (general), secondary (more detailed), and tertiary (specific story). The majority of the onsite panels still be in a podium-style stand to not block the view of the heritage sites. All previous signage including wayfinding signage should be replaced with the newly designed signage. An integrated look will be clean and not clutter the sites. Clutter causes confusion and detracts from the visitor experience. Having a unified look will also be more professional. Thus, all old signage should be removed, and most will be replaced with a new design and content where appropriate.

The HI Plan provides recommendations regarding materials, dimensions, and content for the different types of signage including wayfinding. Wayfinding also includes Welcome Signs and Banners at strategic locations such at airports, bus stations, the train station, and the entrances to town. HI signs will be placed at the major heritage sites of Luang Prabang, Chomphet District, and Pak Ou District. The establishment of nodes in strategic parts of town will concentrate the HI content especially the main themes.

The next step will be to write and translate the HI content followed by the design and production of the panels and stands. Wayfinding signage must also be designed and produced. When these are ready to be installed, old signage can be removed. Heritage Interpretation will add value to the visitor experience. It will encourage visitors to stay longer in Luang Prabang, return to Luang Prabang, and recommend Luang Prabang Town and Environs to others.

Updated on 20/06/2022

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