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  5. Vang Vieng Town and Environs Master Plan 2010 – 2020_December 2009_English

Vang Vieng Town and Environs Master Plan 2010 – 2020_December 2009_English

In response to a grant from the Asian Development Bank (ADB) to undertake the GMS Sustainable Tourism Development Project (STDP), the Lao National Tourism Administration, as the executing agency responsible for the co- ordination, management and implementation of the project engaged Hansen Partnership (hansen) to prepare a Town Master Plan for Vang Vieng Town and its Environs. The primary objective of the Vang Vieng and Environs project is to produce a comprehensive and harmonised set of planning documents to guide the sustainable development of Vang Vieng and its Environs to the year 2020.

The key outputs of the project are:

  • Master Plan for Vang Vieng Town and Environs
  • Management and Monitoring Tool Kit
  • Evaluation Report in the Training Program and Stakeholder Consultation Workshops in Vang Vieng
Updated on 19/08/2024

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